OK, you know you need a plan. You know your marketing needs an update, or a fresh look, or just a start! Don't be overwhelmed. Take it one step at a time, starting with your client, customer, user, etc. (For simplicity, let's call them customers. )
The goal is to figure out what they need to hear in order to buy, like, recommend, use ... to take the action you want.
Step 1: Identify your customer and get to know as much about them as is important in view of what you have to offer.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself about your ideal customer:
• What do your customers want when they come to you? And let's not say "They want a vacuum." Let's say, "They want to make their cleaning easier, or better or quicker." Or, don't say, "They want a lip gloss." Let's say, "They want to look hot, or younger or older ... or they have chapped lips!" Think about the reason they may use your product or service.
• Do I have an "average" customer? Teen, Mom, Older? Business person, stay-at-home, in school, retired? Male, Female? Picture one or two of your usual (or potential) customers and write a list of adjectives to describe what you know about them.
• Are there any geographic, demographic or economic factors I should consider? Are they comfortable, struggling, on a fixed income?
• How much do they shop for this product or service?
• How much do they need to know to make a buying decision? Where do they look for that information?
If you have a good relationship with some of your customers, ask them a few questions to help you get a clearer picture of how your product or service works for them.
• How did you find us?
• Have you tried others?
• Are we your clear choice? And why or why not?
• Are there things about the others you wish we offered?
Now, let's stew on that for a bit. I would suggest keeping a file on your desktop or a notebook with your marketing research, thoughts and ideas. A quick review will help you rev up your marketing engines when you've had to concentrate on other parts of your business and you're picking it up again.
NEXT: What is your BIG message?
For a look at some of the n8 Marketing portfolio go to: http://www.n8marketing.com
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